Posted by Download Sorftware Gratis Full Version on Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016
Virtual DJ Pro 8.2 ini adalah software simulator yg dirancang untuk belajar menjadi seorang DJ , dengan software ini kita dapat mixing musik dengan mudah equipment yang telah di sediakan secara virtual memudah kan kita untuk menjalankan softare ini.
Bagi anda yg bercita-cita menjadi DJ tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba aplikasi virtual ini sebelum benar2 belajar dengn yg asli, jika berminat donload saja file dibawah.
Features Virtual DJ Pro 8 Full Crack
- Careful control of Professional Audio
- Fully compatible with VST effects in the
- Matching and automatic adjustment of administrative levels
- Professional voice control and professional bass frequencies
- Menu standard control (play, pause, stop, cue)
- The ability to mix and stretch the video to audio synchronization
- Ability to identify the initial and final Khvdkarmtd rate
- Ability to deploy the actual pattern of sound
- Drag’n’drop capability to implement and quick mixing
- Automatic synchronization feature songs Zrb
- Ability to save without formatting methods in the software
- A database for quick and easy music sharing and search capabilities
- User-friendly and elegant atmosphere at the same professionalism
- Standard controls (play, pause, stop, cue)
- Control (from -34 to + 34%)
- Tri-band EQ with Kill + gain
- Click to rate a (new FAME algorithm) – New algorithm fame–
- Machine automatic rate
- On-the-fly without the need for storage technology or any formatting
- Automatic calibration
- Level automatic
- Simulator real search
- Auto-rotate beats
- 12-point pace
- Applying the algorithm sounds
- Create automatic accompaniment mode 4.4
- Consistent with external controllers like (DMC2, DAC3, iCDX, TotalControl, BCD2000, DJConsole, etc …)
Cara install
1. Install softwarenya seperti biasa
2. Setelah selesai, Buka folder keygen
3. Jalankan file "virtualdj_hosts_patch.cmd"
4. Buka file keygen dan isikan bagian email dengan bebas
5. Klik Generate
6. Buka programnya dan gunakan data yang ada di keygen untuk proses registrasinya
7. Selesai
Size: 97MB
-- Virtual DJ Pro 8.2 Build 3409 Full Version Plus Content (Zippyshare)
-- Virtual DJ Pro 8.2 Build 3409 Full Version Plus Content (Solidfiles)