Posted by Download Sorftware Gratis Full Version on Rabu, 04 Mei 2016
Abelssoft SSD Fresh 2016 Plus v5.0 Terbaru adalah software yang anda bisa gunakan untuk merawat SSD yang beradsa di PC/laptop anda, SSD merupakan kependekan dari Solid State Drive yang berfungsi sama seperti Harddisk di pc kita namun mempunyai komponen yang hampir sama dengan Flashdisk. SSD ini berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan data dan juga OS Windows di PC atau komputer, namun masih belum banyak yang menggunakan SSD ini.
Program ini akan membantu anda untuk mengoptimalkan dan menjaga SSD agar tetap awet dan bekerja secara maksimal. Tampilan antarmuka yang sederhana dari program Abelssoft SSD Fresh Terbaru ini juga membuat anda tidak akan kesulitan untuk memahami semua fungsi dari program yang keren ini.
- Adjust the system to the SSD
SSD Fresh fits your Windows system to the use of an SSD.
SSD Fresh reduces the number of read and write operations and thus increases the lifetime of your drive.
By disabling unnecessary services also the system performance is increased.
SSD Fresh increases the performance of your SSD after a complete analysis by disabling useless services and disabling unnecessary write accesses.
Get information about your drive and the manufacturer. SSD Fresh displays general information suitable for the hard drives that are installed in the computer. You can see for example the storage capacity and how much space is already occupied.
Modern hard drives use a system for self-monitoring, called S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) system. It analyzes the disk and already indicates defects before they can cause data loss. SSD Fresh reads this information and displays it in the window.
This application has been already optimized for Windows 10. This means for you: You don’t have to care which Windows operating system you have installed, you can buy this application today and even when you are switching to Windows 10 you can continue using this application without problems.
- OS: Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 (Supports all 32bit and 64bit versions)
Size: 1mb